Grenada Carnival 2019
Like many countries in the Caribbean, Grenada celebrates a colourful and exuberant carnival. Since 1981, it has taken place on the second Monday and Tuesday in August.
Spicemas is the premier cultural event in Grenada and is marked by two days of public holidays on which banks and most shops will be closed.
From dawn on Carnival Monday (J'Ouvert), traditional masqueraders dressed as devils called Jabs-Jabs (French Creole, from diable diable ‘devil devil’) parade through the streets of Grenada. They are joined by the Ole Mas who are individuals that present satire and theatre on the events of the past year during the morning.
The Carnival devils disappear with the rising of the sun, making way for the Traditional and Fancy Mas bands in the Monday parade or Pageant.
These traditional masqueraders feature the striking Short Knee bands. With identical head coverings, batwing sleeves and three-quarter (short knee) baggy trousers, they chant and box the air as they dance through the streets from their villages into the capital of St. George's. They carry talcum powder as they make their way through the towns and villages. The powder is a symbol of appreciation and sprinkled on those who make cash donations.
Next come the modern costumed bands who cross the stage at the National Stadium before parading through the streets of St. George’s in the afternoon sun, gyrating to the beat of the year’s most popular calypsos. The costumed bands are often heralded by the arrival of the King and Queen of the band, the large costumes which vied for King and Queen of Carnival during the Sunday night Dimarche Gras.
Carnival Tuesday
The Carnival celebrations draw to an end on Tuesday with the parade of the bands. Known as 'Last Lap', Masqueraders and bands from all parishes dance through the streets in their brightly coloured costumes to the delight of the throngs of onlookers, accompanied by the sounds of calypso music, steel bands and DJ's playing the latest carnival songs.
Carnival Events - Click Pictures For More Info
Wednesday | August 7, 2019
Coco Demer - Beach Edition
Wednesday | August 7, 2019
Welcome To Grenada
Wednesday | August 7, 2019
Thursday | August 8, 2019
Thursday | August 8, 2019
National Carnival Queen Show
Thursday | August 8, 2019
Friday | August 9, 2019
Aurora All Inclusive Breakfast Party
Friday | August 9, 2019
Soca Monarch Finals
Saturday | August 10, 2019
Rum Boat Breakfast
Saturday | August 10, 2019
Bikini Cruise
Saturday | August 10, 2019
Binge - Beach and Rum
Saturday | August 10, 2019
The Biggest White - Feat. Machel Montano
Sunday| August 11, 2019
Twlight - Day Into Night Cruise
Sunday| August 11, 2019
Lair - All Inclusive Breakfast Experience
Sunday| August 11, 2019
Sunny Side Up Grenada
Monday | August 20, 2019
Spicemas J'Ouvert
Monday | August 20, 2019
Spicemas Monday Mas
Monday | August 20, 2019
Spicemas Monday Night Mas
Tuesday | August 13, 2019
spicemas Tuesday Parade of the Bands